It’s About . . . Investing in Yourself
I have been buoyed the past two weeks by several of my coachees who have seen significant returns on positive self-investment. And I have been reminded by my own coach of the importance of understanding where I am investing energy and the impact on my energy reserves. As much as we might want to think so, none of us has a never-ending energy supply that replenishes instantaneously. Huge demands on energy often require significant periods of replenishment, or the body, mind and spirit suffer.
Do you know where you are investing most of your energy? When asked that question recently, I didn’t have an immediate answer. But the time spent contemplating it this week has been insightful and has led to adjustments to my energy allocations.
That’s just one example of how investing in yourself can be crucial to reaching your health and wellness goals. How are you making investments in your wellness? Are you investing in new and better ways of fueling your body? Are you investing in downtime to allow for recovery? Are you investing in rewards for your significant accomplishments? And as you would surely do with your financial investments, are you examining your health investments to be sure you have a “balanced portfolio?” Is your emotional and spiritual investment significant enough to meet your wellness needs?
I encourage you to find some time this week to examine your wellness portfolio, and see how it stacks up when compared to how much you are investing in other areas (like your job or your finances). Remember, a wellness investment pays back great dividends that impact all other areas of your life . . physical, emotional, spiritual and occupational. And it has a clear impact on happiness and longevity. Invest well . . . and thrive!
“Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment.” Stephen Covey